Planning for the Future: National Make-a-Will Month 2023


As summer winds down and gives way to fall, another important event comes into focus: National Make-a-Will Month. This annual observance encourages individuals and families to take a significant step towards securing their future and the well-being of their loved ones. In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of estate planning, the significance of National Make-a-Will Month, and the steps you can take to ensure your legacy is protected.

The Importance of Estate Planning

Estate planning is a crucial aspect of personal financial management that often goes overlooked. It involves creating a comprehensive plan for the distribution of your assets and the care of your dependents after you're gone. While it may seem morbid to consider, having a well-thought-out estate plan can provide immense peace of mind and eliminate potential conflicts among family members in the future.

National Make-a-Will Month: A Brief Overview

National Make-a-Will Month, celebrated annually in August, serves as a reminder of the importance of making a will and planning for the inevitable. It's a time to reflect on the legacy you wish to leave behind and to ensure that your wishes are documented legally. This initiative aims to raise awareness about the benefits of estate planning and to encourage individuals to take action.

Steps to Take During National Make-a-Will Month:

    1. Assess Your Assets:

    Start by taking an inventory of your assets, including property, investments, bank accounts, and personal belongings. This will give you a clear picture of what needs to be included in your will.

    1. Choose Beneficiaries:

    Decide who will inherit your assets. This may include family members, friends, charitable organizations, or even pets.

    1. Appoint an Executor:

    An executor is responsible for carrying out the instructions in your will. Choose someone you trust and discuss your decision with them beforehand.

    1. Guardianship for Minors:

    If you have minor children, consider appointing a guardian who will care for them in case both parents pass away.

    1. Consider Special Circumstances:

    If you have unique situations, such as dependents with special needs or complex financial arrangements, consult with legal and financial professionals to ensure your will addresses these intricacies.

    1. Seek Professional Help:

    While it's possible to write a simple will on your own, it's highly recommended to consult an attorney who specializes in estate planning. They can ensure your will adheres to your state's laws and is less likely to be contested.

    1. Regular Updates:

    Life is dynamic, and so should your will be. Review and update your will periodically, especially after significant life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of children, or changes in financial circumstances.

Benefits of Making a Will:

  • Peace of Mind: Creating a will ensures that your wishes are known and legally binding, reducing uncertainty and potential conflicts for your loved ones.
  • Asset Distribution: A will allows you to specify how your assets will be distributed, preventing unintended beneficiaries from inheriting your estate.
  • Childcare Provision: A will can specify guardianship for minor children, ensuring they are cared for by individuals you trust.
  • Tax Efficiency: Proper estate planning can minimize the tax burden on your beneficiaries.
  • Avoiding Probate Issues: A well-drafted will can expedite the probate process and make it less cumbersome for your loved ones.


National Make-a-Will Month is a timely reminder of the importance of planning for the future. By taking proactive steps to create a comprehensive estate plan, you're not only securing your legacy but also providing your loved ones with the peace of mind they deserve. Whether you're young or old, single or married, making a will is a responsible and compassionate act that reflects your care for those you leave behind. Use this month as an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with your family and consult professionals to ensure your wishes are carried out just the way you intend.


Richard Clark

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